Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Bass…Pro Shop

Hello All,
I've been very busy lately, working on this journal I keep for "Jon" my therapist. He doesn't know about this page or he'd try and up my dosage. Whatever. I am so sick of him. Ugh.

Anyway, in brighter news…or should I say *Greener* because Katie likes Green and Green is and can be a bright color like her eyes. Anywhodiddledo, they opened this store called "Bass Pro Shop" in my hometown. I was pretty excited because it reminds me of KB. Here are some pictures of it. I went it to scope it out so I could tell Katie about it in the future. I think she will go there at some point because it has her last name in the sign.

 Here are some vests, I bought one.
 Look at that big Bass!
 It even has real Bass in it.
I waited for a long time.


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